toothache at dentist

We can all recognize the most obvious dental emergencies: Imagine watching your child run outside, play with their ball, only to trip, fall and break a tooth. In this case, a visit to an emergency dentist is in order. But what if you just feel a little pain around one of your molars, maybe even enough to keep you awake at night? Is this a dental emergency?

What is a dental emergency?

One in four people will need an emergency dental visit at some point in their life. It’s not always as obvious as a broken or chipped tooth, but there are certain indicators and instances where you should call to schedule an emergency dental appointment, either immediately or the next business day.

Here are common dental emergencies:

broken tooth

Chipped or cracked tooth causing pain

Loose adult tooth

Broken dentures , braces and wires

Abscess, or painful swelling of the gums caused by an infection in the root of a tooth.

Toothache or pain, especially when lying down

Missing crown or filling causing pain

Tooth infections

Loss of a crown or cap causing dry socket pain, or severe stabbing pain occurring a few days after extraction of an adult tooth.

In order to avoid complications, these common dental problems should be treated as soon as possible.

Immediately call a dental office closest to your location, through a site such as KW dentist on duty, for example.

Pain is always your first indicator.

Generally, if you feel pain, your body is telling you that something is wrong. This is when you need to assess whether you need to make an appointment for an emergency dental visit. Don’t procrastinate or wait, especially if the pain is accompanied by fever or swelling. These are usually signs of dental infections that can quickly become more serious.

Making an emergency dental appointment can help you avoid long-term damage or more expensive treatment down the road. If you have a broken tooth, for example, you’re more likely to save it if the dentist puts it back in its socket within an hour.

If you’re not sure if you should make an emergency appointment, call your dentist or an emergency dentist to check.

What can you do to ease the pain while you wait?

While you’re scheduling your emergency dental visit, you can ease the pain with a gentle salt water rinse. Just mix a teaspoon of salt with a cup of hot water and gently rinse your mouth with it. Another way to relieve pain is to place an ice pack or cold compress on your cheek for about 20 minutes.

You can also try natural remedies to ease the pain . Do not use drugs that thin the blood. This could make the bleeding worse. But remember: Painkillers don’t cure the problem, they just mask the pain temporarily. You will still need to see a dentist as soon as possible to treat the toothache or dental problem.

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