Smoking cessation

Do you want to take advantage of the new year to embark on the adventure of quitting smoking? If you find it difficult to do it alone, choose to be accompanied by a therapist! Indeed, quitting smoking through hypnosis is a proven method. It has enabled many smokers to finally free themselves from their addiction and move towards healthier lifestyles, for themselves and their loved ones. Let yourself be tempted by hypnosis sessions in Seine et Marne, with your professional therapist Alexandre Janicki. Your practitioner is trained in the ATH method, which has freed more than 75% of patients who have tried it, to definitively close the door of tobacco addiction!

Cure your tobacco addiction by working on the unconscious

Hypnosis is a form of therapy particularly suited to the care of people who are addicted to tobacco. Indeed, the method is pragmatic. Hypnosis therapy in Seine et Marne, as elsewhere, attacks the expression of a problem – tobacco consumption – by trying to cure the beliefs associated with it.

These “beliefs” correspond, in reality, to a set of images and thoughts belonging to the field of the unconscious. This set of values ​​and judgments was constructed, most of the time, relatively early in the psychological construction of an adult smoker. It is therefore by questioning these issues, largely repressed in our unconscious, that it is now possible to treat the roots of an addiction through hypnosis.

Free yourself from tobacco through hypnosis in Seine et Marne

If you live in the department of Seine et Marne or nearby, the choice of a good therapist, who will help you overcome this ordeal, is all found! Indeed, Alexandre Janicki has been working in the department for almost ten years. Listening and professional, you will be able to go around the question with him without feeling judged. Your hypnosis practitioner in Seine et Marne will be able to help you make the unconscious thoughts that hang on to you lighter.

His approach, although used to treat a global problem which is that of tobacco addiction, is personalized according to the difficulties experienced by each person who crosses the threshold of his office.

Quitting smoking by hypnosis with the ATH method

The ATH method is an internationally recognized therapeutic practice in the field of smoking cessation. This method takes into account all the reasons and parameters that drive you to light a new cigarette every day: your personality, your experience, your first experiences with cigarettes, your values ​​and your desires, in general. Your therapist will take the time to analyze all these elements before offering you access to a state of consciousness modified by hypnosis. He will allow himself to suggest to your subconscious other alternatives than those of cigarettes to manage all your contradictory impulses and injunctions, in a healthier way.

How are the hypnosis sessions to quit smoking with Alexandre Janicki going?

Your practitioner specializing in hypnosis in Seine et Marne Alexandre Janicki offers you a program based on the ATH method. The specialized consultations on the theme of quitting smoking take place in two sessions. A first will allow you to go around your motivations and your blockages in the process of quitting smoking. You will have the opportunity to detail and explain all the factors that contribute to maintaining the toxic relationship you have with cigarettes . Any subject can be discussed, and the more you say about your or your deepest desires, the better smoking cessation through hypnosis will work for you.

Following these exchanges, your therapist will proceed to a “classic” hypnosis session, which will take your unconscious on a journey through healthier and happier life alternatives that you may not necessarily be aware of. A week after your first moments of quitting smoking, a second shorter hypnosis session will be offered to you, to permanently anchor your new habits.

The strengths of this hypnosis practice in Seine et Marne

Your hypnosis practitioner in Seine et Marne Alexandre Janicki has his own practice in Chalautre la Petite. In addition to the two sessions offered to initiate your smoking cessation, your practitioner accompanies you and is open to all types of discussion regarding your addiction to cigarettes and your first steps as a non-smoker.

Himself a former smoker, he knows what you are going through, since he has experienced it. He has lived, like you, all that represents the weight of the chains that hold you back to your smoking habits. What if it was time for you to put an end to this ordeal?

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